Myopia in Children and Why It Matters
Myopia is more than nearsightedness or the inability to see distant objects clearly.1 It’s a disease that requires ongoing management.
1. Flitcroft DI. The complex interactions of retinal, optical and environmental factors in myopia aetiology. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 2012 31(6):622-660.
2. Yang M, Luensmann D, Fonn D, et al. Myopia prevalence in Canadian school children: a pilot study. Eye (Lond). 2018;32(6):1042-1047. doi:10.1038/s41433-018-0015-5
3. Morgan IG, French AN, Ashby RS, Guo X, Ding X, He M, Rose KA. The epidemics of myopia: aetiology and prevention. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2018 Jan;62:134-149.